Highlights of Fall 2001

We are extremely proud of the many successes that have occurred during the past term.

* Creation of the position of Assistant Principal for Attendance, Programming and Testing;

* Improved attendance for the months of October, November, December and January;

* Creation of a Math Staff Developer to assist Math teachers as we move to greater implementation of Math Connections;

* Expansion of our three pronged partnership with JetBlue Airlines, the University of Vermont and Columbus High School that will provide 9th - 11th grade students with an Early College Awareness Program and will provide twelfth graders with possible scholarships to UVM. The partnership will also develop a working relationship between Columbus High School and the Department of Education of UVM. The partnership expanded as 46 students applied for admission and we have set two classes that will engage in e-mail course work;

* Expansion of the Cultural/Educational Exchange Program with China. This year we expect another group of teachers to tour China and visit schools that will result in a student exchange program;

* Continued participation in the Foundation for Excellent Schools/Consortium for Educational Excellence Program;

* Creation of the WISE Program in which 34 seniors will participate in Spring semester internships;

* Third year of the CSRD grant with Ventures in Education;

* Teachers are participating in the TIPS program;

* Participation in the NYU Graphic Arts Program;

* Expansion of the College Now Program to include a 10th grade class. This program is in conjunction with Lehman College;

* Creation of a WEB class for 9th grade College Now students;

* Expansion of the Council for Unity Class to deal with racial and ethnic conflict issues. These students conducted fund raising activities to provide toys for children of the victims of the tragedy of September 11th.

* Expand the hours of the computer center in the Library;

* Continuation of the Academic PM School Program;

* Continuation of the Arts PM School Program;

* creation of an After School and Saturday Tutoring Program;

* creation of an after school tutoring program for students in our Second Language Department as part of the EIEA grant

* continuing of the "Opened and Closed Period" schedule for Bathroom and Pass use;

* continuation of EARS (Effective Alternative In Reconciliation Services), a youth organization that teaches students to mediate conflicts and provides alternatives to violence;

* continuation of GEAR UP - Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness - an undergraduate program that provides encouragement and support for low income students to achieve at a high academic level.

* Participated in New York Columbia-Presbyterian Asthma Program.



* The passing rate for the ELA Regents increased by over 12%. * The department passing rate increased by 3.4%. * We continue our two literacy initiatives -- the Bronx Adolescent Literacy Program and the theme-based curriculum of the ELA Academy. * The Adolescent Literacy Program was expanded to the tenth grade. * All 9th grade English classes were programmed for a double period of instruction. * We expanded the AP English courses for 11th and 12th grade students. * Our Ethnic Literature program held a successful Ethnic Evening attended by over 200 people. * We use portfolios as an means of alternative assessment.

Social Studies

* 8.3% increase in passing on U.S. History RCT. * 17% increase in passing on U.S. History Regents with 89% of the students receiving a grade that meets the state standard. * 16% increase in passing on Global History Regents. * Expanded the Constitution Works Program to 10th grade Law House. * Developed an Interdisciplinary Global History and Art History course. * Incorporated the NFTE program into Economics classes. * Three classes participated in the Map for Life Program. * Two students served as interns at the Bronx DA office. * One student participated in the Bronx District Attorney's Office Youth Trial Advocacy Program. * Law House students in the NYU High School Law Institute. * 9th grade Law House students visited the Bronx Courthouse.


* Passing rate for all Math classes increased by 1.4%. * We created the position of Math Staff Developer to work with all Math teachers. * The Math Course I Regents results improved by 19%. * The Math Course II Regents results improved by 16%. * Increase in number of students taking an passing higher level math classes. * The AP Calculus passing rate increased by 6.9%. * The Pre Calculus and Calculus passing rate increased by 13.4%. * The Math Course III passing rate increased by 4.4%. * There has been an increase in the number of students enrolled Math Connections.


* There was an increase of 2% in the entire department passing rate. * There was an increase of 1.9% passing in Living Environment. * There was an increase of 9.9% passing in Chemistry. * There was an increase of 19.2% in Physics. * There was an 81% passing rate for the Living Environment, Chemistry, and Physics regents. * There was an increase of 4.6% in the passing rate for all Regents level classes. * We continue to offer A.P. courses in Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science. * There was an Earth Science Inclusion class taught by Mr. Frantzis and Ms. Lora. * Attendance Outreach has helped to increase the department passing rate. * Introduced new Science Course - Studio Physical Environment, Chemistry.

Second Language

* The passing rate for FBE classes increased by 4.8%. * We have increased the number of AP Spanish classes. * There was an increase of 37% in the passing rate for ESL students on the ELA Regents. * We continued the Saturday ESL/NLA programs to help students achieve success on exams and in class. * We created a LAB transition class for students who passed the E-LAB in March 2001. These students had a 76.3% rate in the class.

Computer Business and Technology

* Creation of an Interdisciplinary NFTE program with Economics. * Expansion of our V.E. Program to include the sale of real tickets as a result of our new partnership with HIA. * Creation of a Culinary Arts program. * Continuation of after school College Now Web club. * Continuation of CISCO training. * MOUS certification for Occ. Ed teachers. * The Auto Shop is once again fully functional.

Creative and Performing Arts

* Addition of an AP Studio Art class. * Presentation of Solo Showcase, Holiday Showcase, Veterans' Day Concert. * Addition of two new members to the department. * Continuation of After-School Arts PM School. * Addition of an Art History course in cooperation with the Social Studies Department.

Health and Physical Education

* Increased passing rate of 6.6% in health classes. * Implementation of new weight room curriculum. * Refurbishing of the weight room, i.e. paint job, new posters. * Updated Physical Education bulletin boards with charts and motivation posters in dance, weightlifting. * Offered new flag football elective. * Re-arrangement of cardiovascular room. * Instituted new physical education uniform attire rules. * Expansion of Physical Education as part of PM School and Parents' Academy. * Upgrading of equipment in Physical Education. * Moving ahead with new outdoor athletic field (expected completion by July 1, 2023).

Special Education

* Increased passing rate in all classes by 5.9%. * Increase in attendance by 1.5%. * 9th grade passing rate increased in English, Math, Global History, and Environmental Science. * Students continue to benefit from Literacy programs such as our Direct Instruction program. * We had 9 integrated settings this past semester. * This is the fourth year of our collaboration with District 75. Twelve students programmed into mainstream classes. * This is the third year that we are providing an educational program for physically challenged students. * There was an increase in the passing rate in five of the six RCTs for our students with the following: o Global History up 3%; o U.S. History up 57%; o Science RCT up 22%; o Math RCT up 21%; o Reading RCT up 5%. We want to thank the many staff members that helped up achieve these successes and we look forward to many more in the Spring term 2002.